Thursday, February 5, 2009

Killing the trees is saving my sanity

It has now been almost 2 months since we've had no kitchen and only last week did I cave in to buy paper plates. I must admit, I had a guilty pang in me saying, "What are you doing? You've gone for so long without, you can keep it up!". But now that I have the luxury of using paper plates and not having to wash them after, I don't know how I did it for so long without! It seems to cut down the dish load by half (even if the math doesn't make sense - it's all about the illusion!).
I have found new energy because my dish load is less. I never thought there'd be a day when I would say something like that. But you know what, the less I have to stare at that disgusting tub, the happier I am. It's amazing how Philippe is blind to all that and has a grand old time during his baths.
We are almost at the end of another week, Saturday looming in the near future with very faint hopes of painting since the drywalling has been put on hold while Jonathan hasn't been feeling well. It really forces me not to think too far ahead because you just never know!

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