Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oh the piles!

The one thing I am most looking forward to once all these renovations are done, is the diminished amounts of piles everywhere! Yesterday, we had to go home (yes that's right, we're still not living at home yet) to find Jonathan's birth certificate (which could have been anywhere because we lost track of it - but that's only because we lost his passport) and it was quite the conquest. Keep in mind this all started around 9 pm - NOT the best time of day! First we looked through the obvious, most accessible piles of paper lying on the counter or table. Next were the bags and boxes of miscellaneous papers and crap that we just shoved in there to get stuff out of the way. Still no birth certificate.... oh! I know! It's in that really big bin of miscellaneous papers and crap that I put by the wall under all those boxes in the middle of the huge pile in our living room..... yeah....
Jonathan was a trouper and found the birth certificate AND put everything back in somewhat of a tidy pile, with only one box collapsing (unfortunately that was the box with all the vases) and a few bags and lamps falling down on him.
I really don't see the end in sight.
I want to have a huge garage sale and sell everything we own so we don't have to see it all piled up in the living room anymore.
I'm feeling very rash these days.

1 comment:

  1. Have had a look through this blog. Anyone who is planning a major reno should read it... lol
    I hope you are done or almost done. Maybe you fell in a hole on June 11 and are still there, waiting for a stranger on the internet to alert authorities to the abrupt and unfinished end of a reno blog. Maybe you DID do something rash... Oh dear.
    Well, I prayed for you today in what ever circumstance you, your hubby, and the Little One find yourself in. Keep on keepin' on!
