Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oh the piles!

The one thing I am most looking forward to once all these renovations are done, is the diminished amounts of piles everywhere! Yesterday, we had to go home (yes that's right, we're still not living at home yet) to find Jonathan's birth certificate (which could have been anywhere because we lost track of it - but that's only because we lost his passport) and it was quite the conquest. Keep in mind this all started around 9 pm - NOT the best time of day! First we looked through the obvious, most accessible piles of paper lying on the counter or table. Next were the bags and boxes of miscellaneous papers and crap that we just shoved in there to get stuff out of the way. Still no birth certificate.... oh! I know! It's in that really big bin of miscellaneous papers and crap that I put by the wall under all those boxes in the middle of the huge pile in our living room..... yeah....
Jonathan was a trouper and found the birth certificate AND put everything back in somewhat of a tidy pile, with only one box collapsing (unfortunately that was the box with all the vases) and a few bags and lamps falling down on him.
I really don't see the end in sight.
I want to have a huge garage sale and sell everything we own so we don't have to see it all piled up in the living room anymore.
I'm feeling very rash these days.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Just keep swimming

This week wasn't such a bad week afterall. I don't know what made it better than last week, but I'm feeling pretty good and quite encouraged. I was able to help Jonathan do drywalling on Wednesday night and now we're ready for grouting. Once that's done and set we can add everything needed to make a bathroom functional! We're hoping to move ahead this weekend and have nothing planned except renovations, which is always an encouragement in itself - time!
We'll see what happens!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I gotta be honest, this is tough!

Getting through the middle of a tough situation is never fun. This is the middle and we're not having fun. It's thick, it's slow going and we can't see the end very well.
As much of a blessing as it is to have my aunt and uncle around and willing to put up with us for way longer than we planned/told them, I am aching to go back home and have life happen at home and do stuff there and be a family in our home.
We also have life on top of renovations that is quite tough too. I have to be honest, as much as I was preaching about having the right perspective, right now is hard to have that. I guess I need to make an extra effort to think about what is good and going well to counter balance what is going wrong. These are the things that pop up every day so quickly and easily that our attitude takes that side just as quickly as they come up. We almost don't even have time to think about the good things!
I'm pretty much fed up and ready for life to resume in a less hectic way.